इतिहास और राजनीति >> कानपुर अनवील्ड कानपुर अनवील्डडॉ. प्रीति त्रिवेदीडॉ. उमा कान्ती तिवारी
कानपुर के विकास पर तथ्यपरक पुस्तक अंग्रेजी भाषा में
This study of the emergence of Cawnpore as an urban centre as a subjects of historical research may appear to be slightly unconventional. However as a student of history and a resident of Kanpur, I have reasons to justify it. Whatever the protagonists of small is beautiful or urbanization may say, the history of past two centuries points towards a constant growth of super cities and urban centres. These centres are seats of economic power as well as centers of natural and global power politics. It has been observed that many trends of national growth are more or less an extension of the growth of these urban centres. Thus a study of the urbanisation can give a basis for understanding the nation's growth in its true perspective and with all its ramifications.
Political history at macro and micro level have been traditionally associated with policies of British government and resistance put up by Indians. Such studies do not provide a convincing account of the diverse socio-economic changes and forces governing the destiny of the people. Therefore this study focusses on the economic forces at micro level and analyses the economic and technological factors working behind them.
This study of the emergence of Cawnpore as an urban centre as a subjects of historical research may appear to be slightly unconventional. However as a student of history and a resident of Kanpur, I have reasons to justify it. Whatever the protagonists of small is beautiful or urbanization may say, the history of past two centuries points towards a constant growth of super cities and urban centres. These centres are seats of economic power as well as centers of natural and global power politics. It has been observed that many trends of national growth are more or less an extension of the growth of these urban centres. Thus a study of the urbanisation can give a basis for understanding the nation's growth in its true perspective and with all its ramifications.
Political history at macro and micro level have been traditionally associated with policies of British government and resistance put up by Indians. Such studies do not provide a convincing account of the diverse socio-economic changes and forces governing the destiny of the people. Therefore this study focusses on the economic forces at micro level and analyses the economic and technological factors working behind them.
In our society, the economic and technological changes at micro level were said to be the product of the British rule and industrial, commercial and technological developments. These developments brought about the origin an growth of Cawnpore. Based on empirical and objective analysis, the study aims at assessing the changes in social and economic patterns. Kanpur presented a good case study as most significant factors were present here. From a sleepy village till 1778, to an important urban centre in 19th Century. A number of commercial, industrial and tertiary sectors expanded. Growth of population and expansion of education added new dimensions to the local society. Soon the town became the Manchester of the East. The years of the uprising of 1857 disturbed this progress for a while. But soon, the town revived and grew by leaps and bounds.
While working on this subject, I have taken into view only economic and social aspects. The uprising of 1857 has been purposely ignored in order to concentrate on socio-economic aspects.
The study is carried out primarily with the help of some original sources derived from the state Archives Lucknow, National Archives New Delhi and Nehru Memorial Muslim and Library, New Delhi. Among them, files of various departments' private papers, files of Home departments, gazeteers etc. have been very useful. Some News papers have also been consulted. Secondary sources include books on Cawnpore. Local and regional sources have also been consulted from upper India Chamber of Commerce, J. K. Library, Marwari Library, Gaya Prasad Library of Kanpur.
There is another important consideration for selecting this subject for research. The work of a historian is to look at historical changes and use the knowledge for bringing desirable change. Therefore an attempt is made to analysis the working of groups and forces that were effective in moulding the society and economy.
The completion of this work has been possible due the help and co- operation of my teacher, Dr. S. S. Awasthi who often gave me his guidance. I extend my sincere thanks to some of my students especially, Sanjana Bhadauria, who provided her assistance to me whenever possible.
Introduction 9
Cawnpore Camp 15
Behind The Camp 19
References 25
Growth of Economic Activities -
Beginning of Trade of Commerce 26
Cawnpore Becomes British Territory 33
Company Administration 34
The First British Traders in Cawnpore 37
Markets of Kanpur 38
Textile 39
Leather 39
Opium 40
Indigo 40
Cotton 41
Major Crops and Other Edibles 41
References 43
Development of Indsutries 44
Onset of Industrialization 45
Leather Industry 45
Cotton Industry 47
Elgin Mill - The Mother Of Mills In Cawnpore 48
Woollen Mills 49
Jute Mills 50
Development Of Transport 52
The East India Railways 52
Roads 54
References 56
Expansion Of Tertiary Services 57
Banking and Commercial Activities. 58
Bank of India 60
Bank of Bengal 60
Allahabad Bank 60
The Bank of India Ltd. 60
Upper India Chamber of Commerce 61
Weight and Measures : 62
Government Services : 64
Income Tax : 64
District Board : 64
Stamp : 65
Registration : 65
Custom Duty : 65
Police Administration : 66
Civil Services : 66
Water Works Plan : 67
Post and Telegraph : 69
Telephone : 69
Education : 70
References 72
Changes In The Structure of Society 73
References 82
Conclusion 83
References 100